Website Design
Website Design
Screen shot of Intermittent Industries WebsiteIntermittent Industries Logo

Intermittent Industries was a fashion fabrication and textile importing company based in Los Angeles. They wanted a light-weight website to provide fashion designers with the minimum information about their services. Nearly a year after the website was launched, the company was acquired by Riggo International, who said the website drew their interest. You can see a demo of the website here. The home page still has the original text, but the other pages have filler text.

Screen Shot of the Origin Design Lab WebsiteOrigin Design Lab Logo

Origin Design Lab wanted a website that had the look and feel of their store's interior. The store has various colored walls. Images on the website were taken to show the variety of craft supplies and tools available. The side bar ties in their various social media and networking. The maker and calendar sections are currently in development and will be updated soon. Images for the website were shot by MM Photographic. Visit their site here.